Where <kuid2:122285:508:23> is used

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3.3 | traincar

United Dairies vented van

3.3 | traincar

Vickerys Cyder vented van

3.3 | traincar

Wilts United Dairies vented van

3.3 | traincar

Worthington vented van

3.3 | traincar

Bass Brewery vented van

2.9 | traincar

Leith Grain Wagon

2.9 | traincar

Foster Yeoman - Wells 7 plank wagon

3.5 | traincar

5 Plank BR wagon w ACS

4.6 | traincar

TTTE - Marklin BRE2 (TRS19)

2.9 | traincar

Diesel 10 the Class 42 Warship

3.6 | traincar

Sodor Garratt (Water Tank) - Will

3.6 | traincar

Sodor Garratt (Coal Tank) - Cory

3.1 | traincar

James the Red Engine 2010

3.1 | traincar

Percy The Small Engine 2010

3.5 | traincar

LNWR Webb Alfred the Great Class

3.5 | traincar

NBR Drummond Abbotsford - Dark Green

3.5 | traincar

NBR Drummond Abbotsford - Light Green

3.5 | traincar

LMS Drummond Wee Ben - Crimson

3.5 | traincar

Highland Drummond Castle - Lined Green

3.5 | traincar

Highland Drummond Castle - Plain Green

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