Where <kuid2:124060:60000:1> is used

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4.6 | industry

URR&N 24x46 Combination Depot Elkton

4.6 | industry

URR&N 24x46 Combination Depot Renamable

4.6 | industry

URR&N 24x46 Combination Depot Sutherlin

4.6 | industry

URR&N 24x46 Combination Depot Drain

4.6 | map


2.9 | industry

Generic Freight platform (tiny)

4.6 | map


2.2 | industry

CNR Burgessville Station

2.2 | industry

CNR King Station

2.2 | industry

CNR Shakespeare Station

2.2 | industry

CNR New Hamburg Station

2.2 | industry

CNR Baden Station

2.2 | industry

CNR Petersburg Station

2.4 | industry

Generic platform (small)

2.4 | industry

Generic platform (medium)

2.4 | industry

Generic platform (large)

2.4 | industry

Generic platform (tiny)

2.4 | industry

Old West Passenger Depot 2

2.2 | industry

CNR Burgessville Station

2.2 | industry

CNR King Station

2.2 | industry

CNR Shakespeare Station

2.2 | industry

CNR New Hamburg Station

2.2 | industry

CNR Baden Station

2.2 | industry

CNR Petersburg Station

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