Where <kuid2:217096:900255:1> is used

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3.5 | traincar

SF GWR SG E26 Brake Compo

3.5 | traincar

SF GWR SG K4 Brake

3.5 | traincar

SF GWR SG D3 Brake third

3.5 | traincar

SF GWR SG E19 BrakeTricompo

3.5 | traincar

SF GWR SG D12 Brake Third

2.9 | traincar

DSER pre-1910 3rd brake

2.9 | traincar

DSER pre-1910 Composite

2.9 | traincar

GSR post-1934 Composite

2.9 | traincar

GSR post-1934 3rd brake

2.9 | traincar

DSER post-1910 Composite

2.9 | traincar

DSER post-1910 3rd brake

2.9 | traincar

CIE pre-1958 Composite

2.9 | traincar

CIE pre-1958 3rd brake

2.9 | traincar

DWWR Composite

2.9 | traincar

DWWR 3rd brake

2.9 | traincar

GSR pre-1934 Composite

2.9 | traincar

GSR pre-1934 3rd brake

3.5 | traincar

GWR 1922 3rd brake Plymouth lot 1321

3.5 | traincar

GWR 1922 3rd brake Weymouth lot 1321

2.4 | industry

SF LOR Herculaneum Dock station

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