Where <kuid2:2512:14:41> is used

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2.4 | traincar

MSWJR 5 Plank wagon dirty

2.4 | traincar

NE Rly 5 Plank wagon

2.4 | traincar

NE Rly 5 Plank wagon dirty

2.4 | traincar

PDSWJR 5 Plank wagon

2.4 | traincar

PDSWJR 5 Plank wagon dirty

2.4 | traincar

Rhymney Rly 5 Plank wagon

2.4 | traincar

SDJR 5 Plank wagon

2.4 | traincar

SDJR 5 Plank wagon dirty

2.4 | traincar

Taff Vale 5 Plank wagon

2.4 | traincar

GN 5 Plank wagon

2.4 | traincar

GN 5 Plank wagon dirty

2.4 | traincar

LSWR 5 Plank wagon

2.4 | traincar

LSWR 5 Plank wagon dirty

2.4 | traincar

LBSCR 5 Plank wagon

2.4 | traincar

LBSCR 5 Plank wagon dirty

2.4 | traincar

Midland Rly 5 Plank wagon

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