Where <kuid2:30671:69012:1> is used

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2.5 | industry

PL CDK Purchasing point

2.5 | industry

PL CDK Coal yard

2.4 | industry

PL CDK Railroad service depot

2.5 | industry

PL CDK gravel-pit

2.5 | industry

PL CDK Kerosene

2.4 | industry

PLCDK SteelCoil loader

2.4 | industry

PLCDK SteelCoil unloader

2.9 | industry

PL Liquid Fuel

2.9 | industry

PL MidwestGrain

2.0 | industry

G2 Goods Shed (PL)

2.4 | industry

ProtoLARS IndustRail

2.4 | industry

PL Tarps + Platform Loads

2.9 | industry

PL CDK Ladownia widoczna_Transformatory

2.4 | industry

PL Steel -- Hot Metal

2.4 | traincar

V & T 8-ton ore car

2.4 | traincar

30ng 4-ton ore car

2.4 | traincar

30ng 4-ton boxcar

2.4 | industry

PLCDK UST Intermodal

2.5 | industry

PL CDK petrochemical plants

2.5 | industry

PL CDK power station

2.5 | industry

PL CDK gravel-pit

2.5 | industry

PL CDK sulphur mine

2.5 | industry

PL CDK Fishing harbor

2.5 | industry

PL CDK Food processing plant

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