Where <kuid2:67794:50002:2> is used

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2.4 | traincar

ATSF 40ft wood Reefer The Scout

2.4 | traincar

ATSF 40ft Reefer ElCapitan

2.4 | traincar

ATSF 40ft Reefer The Chief

2.4 | traincar

ATSF 40ft wood reefer System Map

3.5 | profile

Eastbound Coal Train

3.7 | profile

Westbound Merchandise Train

4.6 | traincar

CA&L 53' Express Reefer

4.6 | traincar

LE&E 53' Express Reefer

4.6 | traincar

REA 53' Express Reefer

4.6 | traincar

L&N 53' Express Reefer

4.6 | traincar

DRGW 53' Express Reefer

4.6 | traincar

SC&F Beef Car TCR

4.6 | traincar

URR&N 53' Express Reefer Yellow

2.4 | industry

Reefer Industry Track

2.4 | industry

ReeferLoad/unload platform

2.4 | traincar

Fruit Growers Express 40ft wood reefer

2.4 | traincar

Pacific Fruit Express 40ft wood reefer

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