Erie Northern - Route Demo


Map: Erie Northern
Author: crb001
Kind: profile
Build: 2.6
Size: 230.19KB
Uploaded: 2019-09-17

Erie Northern - Route Demo

This the demonstration session for the Erie Northern route,<KUID:87783:1036:1> August 2009.

Erie Northern has several interesting features that need some explanation for new surveyors. Among them are the three programmable turntables, which can be fully controlled by driver commands. This demo session has working examples, showing how to drive a loco to a turntable, rotate it to face the loco, drive onto it, and rotate it again to face the roundhouse. It's really pretty cool to watch.

There are three industry examples: coal, limestone, and logs/lumber, plus examples of how to run a never-ending route between two portals, how to add automatic loco bells and horns at the passenger stations, and examples of iPortal and Portal Manager programming--20 trains in all.

Finally, the demo also has two passenger trains that run the whole main line, for those who'd like to just jump in the cab and take a 35-minute tour of the route.

For more Erie Northern content, search for ‘Erie Northern’. Be sure to check out the Erie Northern website as well for more information:

    Erie Northern - Route Demo
  • config.txt 7.07KB
  • en_demo240.jpg 76.33KB
  • en_demo512.jpg 104.41KB
  • profile.dat 363.83KB

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