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3.5 | traincar

LNER Gresley 4200-Gal Tender Postwar

3.5 | traincar

NBR Drummond Abbotsford - Dark Green

3.5 | traincar

NBR Drummond Abbotsford - Light Green

3.5 | traincar

LMS Drummond Wee Ben - Crimson

3.5 | traincar

LMS Drummond Castle - Crimson

3.5 | traincar

Highland Cumming Clan - LMS Crimson

3.5 | traincar

Highland Cumming Clan Tender - LMS Crimson

3.5 | traincar

Highland Cumming Clan - LMS Black

3.5 | traincar

Highland Cumming Clan Tender - LMS Black

4.6 | traincar

Engie's - NWR #2 1896 - 1923 (TS19)

4.6 | traincar

Engie's - NWR #2 1923 - 1953 (TS19)

4.6 | traincar

Engie's - NWR #2 (Damaged) (TS19)

3.5 | traincar

GNR Gresley H4

3.5 | traincar

GNR Gresley H4 Tender

3.5 | traincar

LNER Gresley V2 - Prewar High Numbers

3.5 | traincar

BR Gresley V2 - BR Green

3.5 | traincar

LNER Gresley V2 - Prewar Low Numbers

3.5 | traincar

LNER Gresley V2 - Postwar

3.7 | traincar

PUG L&YR class21

3.7 | traincar

J94 class BR

3.5 | traincar

LNER Gresley P2 Tender

3.5 | traincar

LNER Gresley P2 Tender - Newbuild

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